
Article 1: Definitions

1.1 BD Technologies AG: Operator, owner and operator of the website.

1.2 Hyperlink: Links that are primarily intended for presentation to a human user.

1.3 Website: A medium for presenting information via the Internet

1.4 User: The person who visits the Website and uses it in a manner as described in Article 3. It is prohibited for the user to seek any physical contact whatsoever.

1.5 Entertainment Profile: The person who, on behalf of BD Technologies AG, maintains contact (chat) with the user via the Website for paid entertainment. Under no circumstances can physical contact be made with an Entertainment profile. Those profiles are also called fictitious profiles.

1.6 Credits: The payment method for being able to communicate via the Website.

1.7 Profile: The entirety of personal characteristics and preferences by the user and Entertainment Profile is provided and made visible on the Website.

1.8 Content: The actual content of the Website, this content includes but is not limited to films, photos, texts and Profiles. 1.8 Content: The actual content of the Website, this content includes but is not limited to photos, texts and Profiles.

1.9 Logging: The digital storage of data contributions from the user.

Article 2: Scope and nature of the conditions

2.1 These general terms and conditions apply between BD Technologies AG and the user.

2.2 These general terms and conditions apply to the use of the Website.

2.3 Where parts of these terms and conditions may be void or voidable, the other parts remain in effect and the relevant part will be converted into a valid part that affects the original intention as much as possible.

Article 3: Content and use of the Website

3.1 The Website does not facilitate sex for payment, prostitution, and/or escort. If the Website suspects that the user is acting in violation of the general terms and conditions, the Website reserves the right to report this to the police or other judicial authorities. In addition, the user's account will be immediately put inactive, whereby any outstanding credits will immediately expire. The Website is a platform for users to communicate and is a passive link between the online publication and distribution of Profiles and other information.

3.2 The Website allows users to communicate with Entertainment Profiles.

3.3 Communication via the Website takes place against payment with credits. Every message and every flirt costs 1 Credit to send. Receiving messages and flirts is for free. Credits have a limited validity. Upon deactivation of your account you will lose your credit and credits will be removed. However, should you reactivate your account, customer services can be contacted to reactivate your credit. The credits have a limited validity. Refer to Article 11 in the event of you deactivating your account. Under the conditions mentioned in Article 12, the user has the option to make use of the right of withdrawal and to have the amount of the purchased credit(s) refunded.

3.4 The purpose of this website is to enable chat conversations between fictitious profiles and users and therefore contains fictitious profiles. Physical meetings are not possible with these fictitious profiles.

3.5 BD Technologies AG is allowed and will send automatic messages, flirts, and winks on the Website from Entertainment Profiles to users. BD Technologies AG is also allowed to influence the chats between fictitious entertainment profiles and users. No physical contact is possible with these fictional profiles, whose purpose is paid entertainment.

3.6 Use of the Website and services offered through the Website is open to any person who has reached the minimum age of 18 years. If the user has not yet reached the age of 18, objects to the content of the Website and / or the user is located in a geographical area where access to the Website or the use thereof is prohibited, the user must immediately abort the visit of the Website. All users must legally have control of their own finances and must not be subject to appointeeship, ILA, ward of court or bankruptcy administration.

3.7 The user can create a profile by going through the registration process completely. When going through the registration process, the user must provide current and complete information about themselves. The user guarantees that any changes to these data will be immediately passed on to the website or, if necessary, adjusted by the user on its own pages of the Website. By completing the registration, BD Technologies AG grants a license to use the intellectual property rights on the content provided by the user to the Website. In particular, this license includes the right of BD Technologies AG to duplicate, display, adapt, translate, scan, use for publicity purposes, both commercial and non-commercial, sublicense or transfer content related to the user's Profile.

3.8 The user is not allowed to create a profile for others, to transfer it and / or to allow others to use their profile. If, for whatever reason, the data of the user is no longer correct or complete, the user must adjust their data in such a way that it is up to date again. If the user provides incorrect or incomplete information about itself and if BD Technologies AG determines that the information provided is incorrect or incomplete, BD Technologies AG can terminate or suspend the account.

3.9 The user is fully responsible for keeping their username and password secret. The user alone is liable for the use of the account by third parties, regardless of how this access to the account is obtained. In the case of suspected abuse of the account, BD Technologies AG will immediately notify the user and has the right to remove user access.

3.10. BD Technologies AG is not liable for the use or improper use of the account, or rejects any liability in that regard.

3.11 Gaining access to the Website in an unauthorized manner is punishable by law. In case of suspicions of abuse BD Technologies AG will immediately file a report.

3.12 The user is not permitted to use the personal data of third parties, which the user has via the Website, other than exclusively for themselves.

3.13 The user is not allowed to use the website professionally or for commercial purposes. All information obtained on the website is just for personal usage. Further, the user is not permitted to transfer the personal data of third parties, which the user has via the Website, to third parties or to use it for sending 'junk mail', 'spam', 'chain letters', 'mailings', 'publications' etc.

3.14 The user is not allowed to comment or distribute content that violates human rights. The user is also not allowed to publish content that is defamatory, insulting, obscene, hurtful or violent in nature, or that can provoke politics, racism or violence. In general, the user is not allowed to post content that violates the objectives of the website or the applicable laws, rules or decency standards.

3.15 The user is not permitted to use the website in any way or have it used for unlawful acts, committing criminal offenses, and/or for acts that are contrary to generally applicable laws, standards, and values. This includes, among others, the following: the infringement of intellectual property rights of third parties (including, but not limited to: copyrights, trademark rights, rights under European Directive 96/9 on the legal protection of databases, patent rights, design rights); theft; the unlawful and/or criminal distribution of secret or confidential information; the unlawful or punishable distribution of illegal content, including, texts and/or image and sound material, including racist statements, (child) pornography, criminal data traffic, insulting statements and so-called 'mail bombs'; computer trespass ('hacking') via Website; destruction, damage or rendering unusable of systems or automated works and software of others; spreading viruses or otherwise deliberately disrupting communications or data storage; gaining access by means of false keys, false codes and false attributes.

3.16 The user is not allowed to publish photos of persons other than the user themselves on the website. BD Technologies AG reserves the right to refuse, change or remove photos, animations or other images. It is also not permitted to distribute photos obtained via the Website on other websites or platforms.

3.17 The user is not permitted to include contact details such as telephone numbers, street addresses, surnames, URLs, e-mail addresses, or other personally identifiable information. The user is also not permitted to make requests to obtain contact details in the profile or on images of the user. BD Technologies AG reserves the right to refuse, change or remove Profiles or parts of Profiles.

3.18 Sending a message cost 1 Credit per message. A message has a maximum of 1000 characters. In addition, on this website, a “flirt” notification is able to be sent. These flirt notifications cost one credit to send a flirt. Receiving messages and flirts is free. Every user can also send 4 winks per day for free.

3.19 To place a message on the Recent Activity board, which is located on the main page of the website, for the community to read, it costs one credit to place a message with a maximum of 140 characters.

3.20. In the chat overview in the inbox, messages can be deleted after 28 days. In some cases, messages stay longer until a maximum of 45 days. Pictures in messages can be pinned and stay visible in the picture gallery which can also be found in the message inbox.

3.21 A free credit is given after registration. However, BD Technologies AG may request to have the email address verified before this free credit is activated. In addition, checks are implemented to avoid giving free credits to suspicious, spam, or abusive accounts. If the user hasn't received a free credit, they can always contact customer support.

3.22 BD Technologies AG offers the user the possibility to receive a free credit after logging in for 7 consecutive days. This credit needs to be claimed within 13 days after the 7-day row was reached. This function will be blocked after 3 claimed rewards in a row without any purchase by the user and if multiple accounts of the user are detected.

3.23 The user may have the possibility to play a matching game. The usage of the game is limited to 10 rounds per day. There is no guarantee to achieve matches. Gained matches cannot be deleted but the user is of course free to choose whether he sends messages to those profiles or not.

3.24 The user may get the possibility to purchase online e-books. These e-books will be sent via email as pdf. If a user who purchased an e-book didn't receive an e-book they can contact customer support.

3.25 The user also has the possibility to send gifts to entertainment profiles. Those gifts are paid with credits and the user will receive a personalised message after a few days.

3.26 The user has the possibility to save an unlimited amount of profiles as favourites which can be found in the "my favourites" section.

check also exact wording of the "voluntary exclusion" on you page3.27 The user has full control over their spending. Should the user believe they are going above their expenditure budget, the user can actively take steps to stop using our services by choosing the "voluntary exclusion" which can be activated by writing an email to the support. Once the voluntary exclusion is activated, their accounts are fully suspended and deactivated from any payment method.

3.28 The user agrees not to use the Website other than for its intended purpose. Once we are made known of any illegal content infringements that fall within the ambit of the law and regulations, we shall take immediate action to investigate and evaluate the content. If illegal content has been detected, we will immediately suspend the user account. We will further, block, filter, and take down the illegal content from our website as soon as we become aware of it. We may blacklist the device fingerprint as well as the registration IP address to prevent the creation of new accounts by the same user. The user account may be closed if deemed necessary and depending on the severity of the illegal content infringement. We remain obliged to inform the competent enforcement authorities in the event of becoming aware of any illegal content giving rise to a suspicion of serious criminal offenses involving a threat to the life or safety of one or more persons.

Article 4: Protection of personal data

4.1 The Privacy Terms of the Website apply to the use of the Website. It describes how the Consumer's personal data are processed. The Website hereby adheres to the legal rules regarding the protection of privacy and the cookie legislation.

4.2 If BD Technologies AG has a reasonable suspicion of violation of the rules of the website in Article 3, the website is entitled to take note of data the user has shared via the website. The website elaborates on this in the Privacy Conditions.

4.3 In order to prevent scamming and fraud and to look after personal data, we have the right to censor phone numbers, email addresses, and website links in messages and profile descriptions.

Article 5 Liability

5.1 BD Technologies AG makes every effort to keep the Website available in an uninterrupted manner and to secure it by all reasonable means.

5.2 BD Technologies AG is not liable for nuisance caused by work, problems, interventions, changes or limitations of functionality or other matters that affect the availability and use of the Website.

5.3 BD Technologies AG is not liable for the correctness, completeness, and topicality of the profiles of users. The content thereof reflects the opinion of the user. Some Profiles, advertisements, or contributions may be for paid entertainment purposes. Physical contact is prohibited in those cases.

5.4 BD Technologies AG is not liable for direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of the Website.

Article 6: Content

6.1 The content of the Website consists of profiles, user contributions, and Entertainment profiles and advertisements.

6.2 BD Technologies AG does not have the means to permanently check the content of Profiles.

6.3 BD Technologies AG may check the interaction of users and entertainment profiles if there is a suspicion of violations of the General Terms and Conditions and for quality control.

6.4 BD Technologies AG does not check the content or correctness of external links (advertisements).

6.5 If the user suspects a violation of the law, BD Technologies AG will remove the relevant statements and the relevant Profile and make every effort to prevent repetition thereof.

6.6 BD Technologies AG uses, among other things, websites of third parties to send visitors to the Website, whether or not for a fee. These third parties are responsible and liable for the content of their website and the way in which they send the user to the Website by means of hyperlinks.

6.7 The Website is not part of the Match Group nor is it under the control of the Match Group.

Article 7: Privacy, personal data and control of use

7.1 BD Technologies AG .takes great care to protect the personal data of users and does not share this with third parties differently than mentioned in the privacy statement unless BD Technologies AG is obliged to do so on the basis of a legal provision. See the privacy statement on the Website in detail

7.2 Any information you share in conversations can be read by the (sub)-processors as laid down in the processing agreement with our partners. Do not share any sensitive information you don't want to disclose in conversations. Never share any private data such as passwords and secrets in a chat conversation.

7.4 During the visit to and the use of the website, information of the user is logged. This information is necessary for the correct functioning of the website and the optimization/improvement of the Website and the use of the Website. This information can also be used for tracing errors and/or violations of these general terms and conditions and legal provisions that BD Technologies AG deems necessary.

7.5 In case of violation of the provisions in these general terms and conditions, actions that are in violation of the law and / or in the event of fraud, the account will be blocked with immediate effect and without prior warning, and the membership will be terminated immediately. The purchased balance will expire immediately and irrevocably. The costs associated with detecting the abuse or fraud are recovered from the user. BD Technologies AG reserves the right to recover all damages and judicial and extrajudicial costs from user.

7.6 All personal data is by default processed in any country within the European Union and shall remain on servers or storage residing in the European Economic Area (EEA). By default, personal data will be stored within the EEA but may however be processed and/or accessed outside of the EEA. We shall ensure the personal data processed and/or accessed outside the EEA is adequately protected with all appropriate safeguards to ensure there is an adequate level of protection, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), standard contractual clauses, and privacy laws of the third country. The personal data that may be processed and/or accessed outside the EEA, will by default be stored within the EEA. We will ensure that all of our contractors having access to your personal information are bound by appropriate and legally binding confidentiality obligations in relation to such information.

7.7 Our services is not intended for persons under the age of 18. We do not knowingly solicit or collect any information from anyone under the age of 18 on the Website. Never post, save, send, forward, distribute, or ask for nude or sexually explicit content involving anyone under the age of 18. In the event we learn that we have inadvertently collected personal information from a child under the age of 18, we will delete all sensitive and prohibited information immediately. We may retain all necessary administrative and payment data to prevent future misuse of our services. If you believe that we might have any information from persons under the age of 18, please notify our customer services department. Protecting the privacy of children is very important to us. Thus, if we obtain actual knowledge that a user is under the age of 18, we will take steps immediately to remove that user’s Personal Information from our database and Website.

Article 8: Complaint handling

8.1 All complaints related to the use of the Website, quality or any other complaint will be taken seriously by BD Technologies AG.

8.2 The user must submit a complaint in writing by e-mail to BD Technologies AG.

8.3 BD Technologies AG will try to resolve the complaint within 10 working days. BD Technologies AG will inform the user about this in writing by e-mail .

Article 9: User disputes

9.1 BD Technologies AG is not involved in communication between profiles. The user indemnifies BD Technologies AG against any form of direct or indirect damage as a result of communication of the user.

Article 10: Intellectual property

10.1 All intellectual property rights, as well as all similar rights to all services, products and information offered on the Website, rest exclusively with BD Technologies AG or its licensors.

10.2 Nothing from this website may be reproduced without written permission from BD Technologies AG. The intellectual property rights to all texts, images, sounds and software of this website belong to BD Technologies AG or its licensors.

10.3 Insofar as the user sends texts, images, sounds and / or software to BD Technologies AG or leaves them on the website, the user transfers all intellectual property rights thereof to BD Technologies AG and therefore indemnifies BD Technologies AG against claims from third parties. BD Technologies AG is therefore entitled, among other things, to exploit these contributions commercially.

10.4 Should BD Technologies AG be informed of (alleged) infringing material or of (alleged) infringing links on the Website, then BD Technologies AG has the right, but not the obligation, to immediately remove this content or links.

Article 11: Termination

11.1 The agreement with regard to the use of the services of the website between the parties is entered into for an indefinite period of time. The user has the right to stop using the service and delete the account at any time.

11.2 On the website, the user can request to close their account. The user won't be able to access their account and are not able to receive any new messages. The option to have purchased credits refunded is mentioned in Article 12. After 600 days all user data will be permanently deleted from the system.

11.3 If the user deactivates their account, they shall lose their credits. However, should the user reactivate the account customer services can be contacted to reactivate the credit that was available at the time of deactivation.

11.4 The user can also request a GDPR deletion. This request needs to be done via email. After deletion, all data and messages will be permanently removed. The user can therefore no longer claim any outstanding credits or refunds.

Article 12: Payments and Reflection Period

12.1 The user may only select from the accepted payment methods provided by the Company.

  • Visa/Mastercard (creditcard)
  • Bankwire

12.2 All transactions are one-time payments; no subscriptions or automatic charges will be applied.

12.3 Payments must be made directly. Credits will be reflected within 15 minutes of payment, except for bank wire transfers which may take up to three working days.

12.4 Additional fees may apply. Please consult your bank for further information regarding such charges.

12.5 Users may opt to save their credit card information with our payment provider. This allows for one-click payments. The credit card will only be charged when the user initiates a payment.

12.6 The Company reserves the right to modify the available payment methods at any time.

12.7 The user has the right to cancel the purchase of credits purchased through a credit pack within 14 days without giving reasons (the right of withdrawal). If the user uses the purchased credits and the associated services within these 14 days, the right of withdrawal will lapse. Refunds will be refunded by bank transfer payment method within 14 days after the user has made it known that they wish to make use of the right of withdrawal. In these cases, the user must always provide a bank account.

12.8 To exercise the right of withdrawal, the user must inform us of their decision to cancel their purchase by means of an unambiguous statement (e-mail).

12.9 The user can use the enclosed model withdrawal form. To meet the withdrawal period, it is sufficient to send the communication concerning the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period of 14 days has expired.

12.10 In accordance with the law, the user may owe value compensation, if the user has nevertheless made use of the paid services, the user's right of withdrawal will lapse. The amount of the value compensation is determined based on the number of contacts established. The value compensation is limited to a maximum of three-quarters of the costs of the most popular credit pack, this will be deducted from the sum of the amount to be revoked.

12.11 Where some or partial credits purchased have been used, an offer can be made by the user to receive the remainder of the credit on payment of an administration fee of 10 Euro, provided the credit limit is not below 20 Euros. Contact us via email to activate this offer. Email:

12.12 These conditions do not affect the user’s statutory right to return goods.

12.13 This refund policy is offered in addition to your legal rights.

Article 13: Changes in price and general terms and conditions

13.1 BD Technologies AG has the right to change the (published) prices for the use of the Website, as well as the nature and content of the use of the Website, at any time and thereby to adjust the provisions of these general terms and conditions or more complete.

13.2 BD Technologies AG does not actively inform the user about changes to the general terms and conditions. The user must therefore regularly check whether they agree with the current general terms and conditions. If the user continues to use the Website after the effective date of the changes, the user indicates that they agree with the change(s) and has accepted them.

13.3 BD Technologies AG is not liable for any (direct and indirect) damage or consequences resulting from changes to the Website and the use thereof.

13.4 These Terms and Conditions are governed by and interpreted according to the laws of the BD Technologies AG's Principal Jurisdiction. (Switzerland)

13.5 Any disputes arising from these Terms shall be exclusively resolved in the courts of the BD Technologies AG's Principal Jurisdiction.

13.6 This provision shall not affect the legal protection you are entitled to under the mandatory laws of your country of residence.

To top

1 General Note

The company responsible for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other national data protection laws of the member states, as well as other data protection regulations, is:

BD Technologies AG

2 Processing of Personal Data

A. General Information on the Processing of Personal Data:

By using our website, the user declares consent to the collection and processing of data in accordance with the following provisions.

B. Data Collection for Website Access (Server Log Files)

As soon as the user accesses our website without registration, the internet browser used for this purpose automatically transmits data that is stored in server log files. The following data is transmitted and stored:

  • Date and time of access to our website.
  • Information about the type and version of the internet browser used.
  • User's IP address and related geographical data
  • Operating system used by the user.
  • Referring URL
  • Searched domain name

The legal basis for data processing is Article 6, paragraph 1, sentence 1, section f of the GDPR.

C. Registration on this Website

When registering on our website, users provide personal data (name, email address, password, gender, date of birth, etc.) to use our services. The data is entered into a form provided for this purpose, transmitted to us, and stored. It is used exclusively for the purpose of using the respective services. During the registration process, the user's explicit consent to the processing of this data is obtained.

The data recorded during registration will be retained for as long as the user is active and registered on our website. In case of deletion of the created account, the user's personal data will be deleted. Legal retention periods remain unaffected.

via third-party operators

When registering on our site, users can choose to sign in via Facebook, Apple, Microsoft or Google tools. These tools allow any holder of an account with one of these operators to use his or her identification data to create an account on our website. When a user clicks on the "Register with...." button on the registration form, the user gives the operator his explicit consent for the transfer of the data necessary for the creation of his account. For more information, the user can consult the relevant operator’s privacy policy.

D. Publication

When using our service, following information is published so that it is visible to other members on the website:

  • Their username
  • Their gender and age
  • Their profile picture
  • The information provided by the user about their interests and sexual preferences
  • Provision to third parties:

    We can pass on their data to our partners. These partners are involved in the implementation of the agreement. These partners only use their data for the services of the website, including the handling of payments, taking care of the email service, and content processing. A separate data processing agreement has been concluded with each separate partner to make agreements about the security and handling of our data.

    Processor agreement with third parties:

    The following points are laid down in the processing agreement drawn up by BD Technologies AG with third parties:

  • The purposes of the data processing
  • What security measures are taken to protect their personal data
  • Dealing with the storage of personal data
  • The sub-processors who are engaged to provide our services
  • We have drawn up a processor agreement for the personal data that we process of our members. This is included in full in our privacy statement, in order to comply with accountability. This processor agreement only applies when we process personal data of our members. The data processing agreement automatically applies if no objection is made to these conditions.

    Secrecy and Confidentiality:

    All personal data that our partners receive from us and that are included in the processor agreement is subject to a duty of confidentiality towards third parties. The processor will not use this information for a purpose other than that for which it has obtained it. This confidentiality obligation does not apply if providing the information to third parties is logically necessary in view of the nature of the assignment given and the implementation of the processor agreement, or there is a legal obligation to provide the information to a third party.

    E. Comments/Reviews

    Users can write comments/reviews on our website. In order to leave a review, clients must be logged in to their account. All data related to comments/reviews will be stored on the user account in our database.

    F. Data shared with service providers

    Customer support:

    A contact form and an email address are available on our website to facilitate electronic communication with the users. The information transmitted through the contact form, including contact details, is stored for the sole purpose of processing user inquiries or any subsequent questions. For effective customer service, we may share this data, encompassing the user's name, email address, and message content, with our partners.

    The data transmitted via the contact form can be deleted if the user requests it. It will be archived after 3 months if consent to storage is revoked, or if it is no longer necessary to retain the data.


    Payment data is transmitted and managed by our partners for payment processing. It is encrypted and not stored unless specifically agreed by the user via the card-on-file option. This additional layer of security ensures that your payment information remains protected and only retained if you choose to utilize the convenience of storing your card details for future transactions.

    3 Withdrawing consent

    Revocation of consent already given by the user is possible at any time. If a user decides to delete their profile or requests the deletion of their personal data, we will promptly delete their information from our systems, except for any data that we are required to retain by law or for legitimate business purposes. To request the deletion of their data, users can send an email to: email. In the email subject, please indicate "Request for Data Deletion" to ensure prompt identification and processing of the request, in accordance with GDPR regulations. The legality of any data processing that has already occurred is not affected by the revocation.

    4 Data Subject Rights

    Users have the right to obtain information about the personal data stored about them, its origin, recipients, and the purpose of storage, at any time. Users also have the right to rectify, block, or delete this data. Please note that withdrawing your consent does not affect the legality of any data processing that has already occurred.

    Requests for information, as well as requests for rectification, blocking, or deletion of data, can be made by contacting us using the contact information provided at the end of this document.

    5 Data Retention Period

    The personal data collected and processed through our website will be retained for as long as the user is registered on our website and actively using our services. This means that as long as the user maintains an active account and continues to engage with our platform, we will retain their personal data. However, all messages will be automatically archived after 30 days. After 180 days of inactivity, the user profile will get automatically deactivated (but not deleted). All user data will only be completely erased after a period of 2 years of inactivity.

    Certain personal data, such as server log files and IP addresses, may be retained for a limited period of time in order to comply with legal obligations, protect our rights, resolve disputes, or enforce our terms and conditions. If you have any questions regarding the retention period of your specific personal data, please contact us using the contact information provided in this policy agreement.

    We are committed to ensuring that personal data is not kept longer than necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. Therefore, we regularly review our data retention practices to ensure compliance with applicable data protection laws and regulations.

    6 Legal Basis for Data Processing

    The legal basis for processing your data on our platform is your explicit consent, which is obtained when you sign up and agree to our privacy policy. By providing your consent, you acknowledge that we will process your personal data in accordance with this policy and for the purposes outlined herein. We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality and security of your data while respecting your rights as a user. If you have any concerns or wish to withdraw your consent, please contact us using the contact information provided in this policy agreement.

    7 Automated Decision-Making

    In order to enhance the user experience on our chat platform, we may employ automated message sending based on client profile data, which includes information such as age and gender. These automated messages are designed to provide personalized content and recommendations that align with your interests and preferences. However, these automated messages do not involve any decision-making processes that could have legal or similarly significant effects on you.

    8 International Data Transfers

    Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the transfer of personal data to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) requires appropriate safeguards to ensure the protection of individuals' privacy rights. As a chat platform, we understand the importance of maintaining the privacy and security of your personal information, including your client messages.

    When your messages are answered by operators located in countries outside the EEA, we implement the necessary measures to ensure that your data is adequately protected. These measures may include:

    Standard Contractual Clauses: We have established legally binding agreements, known as standard contractual clauses, with the operators in the recipient countries. These clauses contain provisions that safeguard your data and maintain a consistent level of data protection as required by the GDPR.

    Data Protection Measures: We implement technical and organizational measures to secure your personal data during international transfers. These measures include encryption, access controls, and regular checks to ensure compliance with GDPR requirements.

    By implementing these safeguards, we aim to ensure that your personal data is handled in accordance with the high data protection standards mandated by the GDPR. If you have any questions or concerns about international data transfers or the measures we have in place, please do not hesitate to contact us using the information provided in this privacy statement.

    9 Cookies

    Our website uses cookies to enhance user experience. Cookies are small text files that are stored on the user's device. Most of the cookies we use are "session cookies," which are automatically deleted after the user's visit. Other cookies remain stored on the user's device until they are deleted by the user. These cookies allow us to recognize the user's browser on their next visit. For more information, please refer to our Cookies Policy available on this site.

    10 Google Analytics

    Our website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google LLC ("Google"). Google Analytics uses cookies to analyze website usage. The information generated by the cookies about the use of our website is usually transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States.

    In case of activated IP anonymization on this website, the IP address of users accessing the website will be shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area before transmission. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the United States and shortened. IP anonymization is active on this website.

    Google will use this information on behalf of the website operator to evaluate the use of the website, compile reports on website activity, and provide other services relating to website activity and internet usage to the website operator.

    Users can prevent the storage of cookies by configuring their browser settings accordingly. Furthermore, users can prevent the collection of data generated by the cookies and related to their use of the website (including their IP address) by Google and the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link:

    13. Advertisement and marketing

    We leverage privacy-conscious tools like Google Ads, Google Remarketing, and Microsoft Bing to ensure the responsible use of data and to safeguard user privacy.

    Google Ads: This website utilizes Google Ads, a digital advertising platform provided by Google. Google Ads may collect certain information about your browsing activities on this site using cookies or similar technologies. This data is used to deliver targeted advertisements based on your interests and browsing history. To learn more about how Google Ads collects and processes your data, as well as your options to control personalized advertising, please refer to Google's Privacy Policy.

    Google Remarketing: We employ Google Remarketing to advertise our products and services on various websites across the internet. This technology allows us to display tailored ads to users who have previously visited our website. Google Remarketing uses cookies to track your interactions and gather information about your browsing behavior. Rest assured, any data collected is used in accordance with our privacy policy and Google's privacy practices. You can adjust your ad personalization settings or opt-out of Google Remarketing by visiting Google's Ad Settings page.

    Microsoft Bing: Our website may use Microsoft Bing, a search advertising tool provided by Microsoft. Microsoft Bing may collect certain information about your visit to our site through the use of cookies or similar technologies. This data is utilized to deliver relevant ads based on your preferences and interests. For more information on how Microsoft Bing collects and processes your data, as well as your choices regarding personalized advertising, please consult Microsoft's Privacy Statement.

    Please note that while the website strives to ensure the privacy and security of the user's data, it has no control over the privacy practices of these third-party advertising tools. It is recommended that the user review the respective privacy policies of Google Ads, Google Remarketing, and Microsoft Bing for a comprehensive understanding of their data collection and usage practices.

    14 Data Security Measures

    We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data. These measures are designed to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of personal data. We regularly review our security practices to ensure the ongoing integrity and confidentiality of the personal data we process.

    SSL Encryption:

    For security reasons and to protect the transmission of data, we use state-of-the-art encryption methods (e.g., SSL). This means that data transmitted via our website cannot be read by third parties. An encrypted connection can be recognized by the change in the browser's address line from "http://" to "https://" and by the display of a closed padlock or lock symbol.

    15 Changes to the Privacy Policy

    Our platform is committed to continuously enhancing the protection of our users' personal data. In line with this commitment, we may periodically update our privacy policy to reflect any changes in our practices or to align with legal requirements. These updates are made with the aim of ensuring the utmost security and privacy of our users' information. However, it is important to note that it is the responsibility of our users to regularly review and check the privacy policy for any modifications. By doing so, users can stay informed about how their data is being handled and understand any new rights or choices they may have. We encourage our users to remain vigilant and informed by reviewing the privacy policy periodically and contacting us if they have any questions or concerns.

    Contact Information:

    If you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding your personal data or our data protection practices, please contact us using the following contact information:


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    Last updated at 26-09-2024


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